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Rick Ghijs - Pipefitter

What makes my job interesting is problem solving and thinking along with the customer. It is always most important to us that the customer is satisfied."

How did you end up at Bilfinger?

'Through my brother. He had just started here six months before me as a work planner. He had just started in the workshop and I was no longer happy at my previous employer. It was then set in motion via my brother. I went to meet him and got a tour and that's how the ball got rolling.

What do you like about your work?

'Working together with colleagues! You never do anything alone and not in one place either. There are different customers and you quickly walk through six or seven different factories.'

What makes your work interesting?

'What makes my work interesting is problem solving and thinking along with the customer. It is always most important to us that the customer is satisfied.'

What does your day look like?

'I'm usually here at 7:30 a.m.. Then I have a chat with my colleagues and ask how their weekend was. Around 08:00 we go to the workshop, then the workshop manager hands out the drawings and everything has to be collected in the warehouse. All fittings and pipes are prepared. After this we calculate the sizes and cut everything. This takes all day. Finally, we clean everything and assemble the parts. Oh yes, around 10:00 we have a cup of coffee and during lunch we eat together in the canteen. Around 16:30 my working day is over."

What does YOUR future at Bilfinger look like/how do you envision it?

"In the future, I would like a managerial position such as foreman or workshop manager. I would enjoy managing people in a few years. Right now, I would like to become a fit specialist.'

Why should new colleagues choose Bilfinger?

'The working atmosphere and the team are very nice. I get along with everyone and there is room to joke around once in a while. The work is also a lot of fun, no two days are the same. There is a lot of variety, you often work with different people.'

What are your hobbies?

'Playing soccer, my whole weekend is full of it and I like to do this with my brothers. Furthermore, I just bought a house and I also enjoy doing odd jobs and working on it.'


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