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My traineeship at Bilfinger





Tell us about yourself!

My name is Melvin Corvers and I am a recent graduate from Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. As of January 1st, 2021 I joined Bilfinger as a trainee. At this time in my traineeship, I work as a Piping Engineer and support the quality department within my region. Alongside my work at Bilfinger, I work as a high ropes instructor and in my spare time I like to go scuba diving.

Why did you choose the Bilfinger Traineeship?

In all fairness, I did not apply for the Traineeship at first, but for the position of Junior Mechanical Engineer. After my first interview, I received the offer to participate in the Bilfinger Traineeship program instead. For me, it was a no-brainer to choose the traineeship as it offers the opportunity to develop yourself by working in different disciplines and departments for longer periods.

In which departments did you work during your traineeship?

Since the start of my traineeship, I have been working as a Piping Engineer in the Mechanical Engineering department. Moving forward, from September 1st my next assignment will be at Bilfinger Industrial Services in Rotterdam. Another Bilfinger subsidiary in the Belgium/Netherlands region. The second assignment will tie in well with my first one. Currently, my focus is on the engineering phase and during my next assignment I get to see how plants are constructed and maintained in practice. In the end, experiencing all aspects will help me to become a better (Piping) Engineer overall.

What do you find most interesting about your traineeship? What do you remember most?

Most interesting to me is the opportunity to work in different departments and at other Bilfinger subsidiaries. Working in different teams and on a variety of assignments offers you the ability to look at problems in different ways. Secondly, doing part of your traineeship at a Bilfinger subsidiary in the Netherlands or abroad will give me insight in other corporate cultures as well.

What do you think of Bilfinger and your colleagues?

It is always a pleasure to meet new people and I have to say my colleagues are very kind and willing to help at any time.

What would you advise future trainees?

Time is limited, so take the opportunity when offered!

More information about our Traineeship

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