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“A clean planet for the
next generation”

I began to think more and more about the environmental outcomes of my work and wanted to create a happy future for my daughter."


Oksana Roman works at Bilfinger Tebodin as an Energy Transition Leader for Central and Eastern Europe and heads the management consultancy department in Ukraine. In her role, she supports companies in Central and Eastern Europe in their efforts to meet climate targets, decarbonize production and reduce environmentally-harmful emissions.

Ms. Roman, what exactly is Energy Transition?

“Energy transition is a pathway toward transformation of the global energy and industrial sectors from fossil-based to zero-carbon energy solutions by 2050. At its core is the need to reduce CO2 emissions by promoting the development of technological innovation and a green economy. Today, carbon capture, utilization and storage and green hydrogen production technologies are expected to lead the way.”

How did you get into this line of work?

My career began in the oil and gas sector, where I spent over 15 years in different roles managing and consulting energy and industrial companies. Later, after becoming a mom and a supporter of a healthy and active lifestyle, I began to think more and more about the environmental outcomes of my work and wanted to create a happy future for my daughter. This aspiration guided my personal and professional activities. After several years of managing my own consultancy company focused on agile and sustainable development of clients, I started a cooperation with Bilfinger Tebodin on energy transition and industrial digitalization projects. Eventually, I joined the company’s consultancy team. I was attracted by the chance to participate in large-scale industrial projects.

What are 3 factors that motivate you?

My key inspiration and my greatest motivator is my 8 year old daughter. As is the case with any other parent, I feel the need to be a role model to her, inspiring and motivating her through my own actions. We do sports together and spend hours discussing important topics. And this is what I really love in my work at the Bilfinger Group – the opportunity to make my personal contribution by helping our industrial clients reduce harmful emissions and leave greener planet for our kids. A strong focus of a company on energy transition solutions and a cool team of like-minded people inspires me every day at work. It really motivates me to see how our day-to-day work is having a tangible impact and inspiring others to get involved as well.”

What are you currently working on?

“I am currently involved in several projects in Central and Eastern Europe targeting a pilot application of green hydrogen production technologies at their power generation and steelmaking facilities. We help our clients incorporate innovative solutions into existing operations, make first trials and get ready to further scale up the projects.” 

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