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Chemicals & Petrochemicals

Today’s chemical and petrochemical industry is focused on a sustainable supply chain, creating value-added products and reducing waste production. Bilfinger helps petrochemical companies identify and implement solutions that make their plants more sustainable, efficient and future-proof. Our broad range of industrial services provides peace of mind for the entire life cycle of your asset, from early engineering to efficiency-enhancing maintenance and decommissioning.

Our long-standing relationship with Bilfinger has a solid foundation. In a partnership as strong and mutually beneficial as ours, the partners are willing to challenge each other and jointly seek even more effective ways of collaborating"

Richard ZwinkelsGeneral Manager Shell Moerdijk
Added value for customers

Added benefits for
our customers:

  • All services from a single source to help you focus on your core business
  • Safety, quality and efficiency are embedded in Bilfinger’s core values
  • Extensive experience in providing sustainable and energy efficiency solutions, to help make your plant future-proof
  • Global expertise and local market knowledge
Produkte and Service

Our services for the chemical and petrochemical market


Where our expertise in the chemical & petrochemical sector makes a difference

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    Dag Strømme
    Global Products & Innovation Director
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