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Making a key contribution
to climate protection as
an industrial
sustainability consultant

My main task is to help our customers achieve the sustainable transformation of their production processes."


Jordi, you work as an industrial sustainability consultant at Bilfinger Tebodin. How did you get this job?

During my master's degree in geosciences and economics, it was already clear to me that I wanted to do something that would make a difference. So when I wrote my master's thesis, which was on society’s impact on climate change, I knew I had to change something. So I started looking for a job where I could help make greenhouse gas reduction possible. And that’s how I landed at Bilfinger.

Why did you decide to work for Bilfinger?

Bilfinger is a leading international industrial services provider. Working at Bilfinger gives me the chance every day to exchange ideas with many different people and to develop new concepts every day. This is possible not only because of the broad customer portfolio, but also because of the large number of employees.

Can you give us a sense of what exactly your job is?

My main task is to help our customers achieve the sustainable transformation of their production processes. Because as a company, it makes perfect sense to have sustainable and environmentally-safe production processes. My tasks also include identifying and taking advantage of the previously hidden potential of customer plants and value chains, ultimately making processes more sustainable and less harmful to the environment.

How do you carry out such analyses?

Working as a team, we have developed so-called SDG scans (Sustainable Development Goals scans) and our CO2 masterplan approach that we use for this purpose. The scans indicate to us and to our customers that it is definitely possible to increase the efficiency of industrial plants and, at the same time, make an important contribution to environmental protection.

How exactly do the scans work?

The SDG scans help us to identify processes or operations that can be optimized at the facility level and in the value chain in an effort to improve sustainability. This could relate to water consumption at a production site, for example. In such a case, we measure consumption before the scan. We then develop solutions on how to reduce water consumption - without a negative impact on production processes. Following this analysis, we present the potential for improvement to our customers, advise them and, if the order is confirmed, carry out the implementation. I believe this is Bilfinger’s most important advantage: we carry out the concept design as well as the consulting and engineering services that are necessary in such processes. This makes it possible for us to deliver all the services that are necessary from a single source, minimizing interfaces between individual project processes and saving valuable time.

That sounds like a bright prospect for a sustainable future!

Absolutely! Environmentally responsible process transformation in industry is important not only for our society, but also for our customers. In order to maintain our competitive edge in the future, we help our customers implement sustainable and economical solutions. Ultimately, this not only helps protect the environment, but also reduces production costs. Using residual heat from your own process, for example, saves energy and lowers energy expenses.

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