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Stock and Rating

Stock exchange data

Number of shares37,606,372
Class of sharesBearer shares without par value
Securities ID Number590 900
Stock exchange abbreviation BloombergGBF GR
Stock exchange abbreviation ReutersGBFG
Stock exchangesXETRA, Frankfurt
Deutsche Börse SegmentPrime Standard
Included in indices

MDAX, DAXsubsector Industrial Products & Services Index, EURO STOXX

Stock and Bond quote


Bilfinger Credit Rating 
Rating agencyStandard & Poor's
Current corporate credit ratingBB+ / Outlook positive / B



Bilfinger ESG-Ratings 

Bilfinger answers and provides feedback to the following questionnaires / assessments:

ESG ratings 

Ecovadis, ISS-ESG, MSCI-ESG, Sustainalytics,
CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), S&P Global ESG Score

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