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Adnan Vehbovic - Assistant system administrator

I really like the subject matter of the work. It is very varied; one moment you are working on hardware, such as printers, and the next moment you are working on a new software application. But what I like most is helping out a colleague so that he or she can get on with their work."

The story of Adnan

How did you end up at Bilfinger?

"I studied MBO System Administrator level 4. After my studies, I worked for a secondment agency. That meant a different employer each time, a different place in the Netherlands and at different times. At some point I was looking for something with more permanence. So then I started applying for jobs. I applied to Bilfinger on Friday, and they wanted me to start that very Monday."

Why did you choose Bilfinger then?

"Besides the fact that Bilfinger could offer me a regular job, the fringe benefits are also interesting. In addition, the IT team is very close-knit. Back then we were even less organized than now, but we filled all the gaps for each other as a matter of course. Anyway, there was a family atmosphere at Bilfinger, which really appealed to me."

What does the team look like?

"When I just started, everyone on the team basically did everything. Now the roles are somewhat better divided. It has to be, because since I started at Bilfinger, the company has grown a lot. There are eight of us in total, including the manager. I and two colleagues are responsible for system administration, we have two network specialists and two application specialists. Even though the roles are a little better defined now, we are still a very close-knit team, trying to take over each other's tasks as much as possible when necessary. We help each other. So teamwork is very important with us."

Why do you continue to enjoy your work?

"I really like the content of the work. It is very varied; sometimes you are working on hardware such as printers, and other times on a new software application. But what I like most is helping out a colleague so that he or she can get back to work. For example, someone at a work site who needs to make a work order quickly, but who is unable to do so. Or an important board meeting where something IT-related is not working. You get appreciation for that, too."

What does your day usually look like?

"With us, you could actually be working day and night, haha. There's plenty to do. But usually I start the day with the unread emails and open tickets (requests for help from colleagues) and work through them one by one. These can be very diverse questions. Then the phone also often rings for acute problems, or I get questions through other channels. And of course I help my colleagues where needed, such as the mail migration project. I really am a jack-of-all-trades. The nice thing about that is that you develop a broad knowledge of different subjects and applications. Moreover, it gives me a lot of contact with all Bilfinger colleagues, which I also really enjoy."

Why should new colleagues choose Bilfinger?

"I think Bilfinger has become increasingly professional and progressive in the years I've been here. That makes it fun to join Bilfinger as a new (IT) colleague. In addition, the colleagues are very nice on IT but also outside of it. That is, of course, very important. Also not unimportant; I think the (secondary) working conditions at Bilfinger compared to other companies are good!"


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