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Luca Nemmers - Superintendent

There is always something to do anyway on location where I work. There is scheduled maintenance, of course, but often there are unexpected issues that need to be resolved acutely. That also keeps it interesting. And in addition, I have a nice team and a good Site Manager, which also keeps the work fun."

How did you end up at Bilfinger?

"I've been working as a pipe fitter since I was 17. First at another company; there I also took the BBL training course in Pipe Fitting. There I progressed to assistant foreman, but I didn't see much further growth in my career. So through a former colleague, who then transferred to Bilfinger ROB, I started talking to them. It soon became clear that there were more opportunities to grow at Bilfinger, so I started there. Initially I started as a cooperating foreman, but very soon I became a foreman."

What do you like about your job?

"What I like most is that it's never boring - every day there's a new challenge. I'm usually busy supervising the work, such as quality and whether it's done safely, but if necessary I also jump in as a fitter. There is always something to do at the location where I work. There is planned maintenance, of course, but often there are unexpected issues that need to be solved acutely. That also keeps it interesting. And in addition, I have a nice team and a good Site Manager, which also keeps the work fun."

What does your day usually look like?

"We start early in the morning at 07:00 with the 'wake-up call' with the whole team. Then we discuss what needs to be done that day and where. And of course also whether there are any things in the area of safety that we need to consider. Chemicals are processed on our work site, so then it is very important that you follow all the rules, wear the proper protective equipment, and follow the procedure.

Then we go get the permit and get to work. If there are several small jobs, a few experienced colleagues from my team can often do them independently, and I don't have to be there all the time. Then I supervise the other team. "

What does the team look like?

"We actually have two teams here on site; one for day-to-day maintenance - that's about four men plus a foreman - and one for minor stops (when an installation is shut down for maintenance). I work on the latter team and its size varies from ten to twelve men. My team includes mainly maintenance engineers, but also pipe fitters and a welder. The team is enthusiastic and very close-knit."

How important is teamwork to you?

"Very, very important. And fortunately that goes very well here. Everyone is really willing to do something for others - I've experienced that differently before. It is sometimes chaotic here and then it is very nice to be able to rely on each other. That goes for the cooperation among ourselves, but also with all the other disciplines. We work together on this site with colleagues from Bilfinger Industrial Services who do scaffolding and insulation. That works very pleasantly. What is also nice is that the Site Manager here is always behind us."

What does the future look like for you?

"Well, I want to become a good foreman first! I've only just started as a foreman and that also happened very quickly, so I still have to grow into that. By the way, the position of foreman is equivalent to that of supervisor. The next step could be project manager. But I'll see about that then."

How would you describe the culture at Bilfinger?

"It's a very close-knit group. Everyone works together, including with other disciplines. It's nice that everyone looks at the full picture and not just their own 'island.' The team we have now is very nice. Besides young colleagues, we also have many experienced colleagues who know the ins and outs who you can always turn to."

Why should new colleagues come to work at Bilfinger?

"Because it's always fun here! Everyone takes responsibility and does their job - nothing is really too much to ask of colleagues. It's also kind of nice that we all have somewhat similar interests."

What do you like to do after work?

"Of course doing fun things with friends, but I also polish cars in my driveway. I love doing that too!"


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