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Theonas Emmanouil - scaffolding mechanic

You're always working in different places, and with different people. There is also variation in the work; I'm not just building, but also thinking about the construction and how to use the material, for example. I myself have worked at more than ten different factories in the Netherlands and Belgium. Then you meet a lot of different people."

The story of Theonas

How did you end up at Bilfinger?

"Through my cousin who also worked at Bilfinger. I actually studied accounting, something completely different. But I wanted to be physically active and outdoors. Variety in my day is also very important to me. So that's why I tried a job as a scaffolder, and stayed here."

Why does your job remain interesting?

"You're always working in different places, and with different people. There is also variety in the work; I'm not just building, but also thinking about the construction and how to use the material, for example. I myself have worked at more than ten different factories in the Netherlands and Belgium. Then you meet a lot of different people. After this period it is nice to be back at one fixed location. "

How important is teamwork to you?

"Very, very important. You have to be able to work well with each other. The whole day can be ruined if you don't work well with someone. Fortunately, that almost never happens at Bilfinger! I actually never have a fixed team, I get assigned to different places and that's fine with me. The most important thing for me is that my teammates are motivated on a job and do their best. I find that more important than knowledge or skill. You can always learn that."

Why have you been working at Bilfinger for eight years?

"I like the fact that I work for a stable and reliable company. I also like the terms of employment. Moreover, I can see that there is progress in my career. After all, I have progressed from assistant scaffolder to scaffolding mechanic 1. I also worked for a bank in an office, but that's not for me! There was little variety and I got all kinds of physical complaints from it - I prefer working with my hands at the moment. Maybe I'll work in an office again when I'm older."

What does your day look like?

"I start, of course, by preparing the permit and registering everyone. Then we discuss the work with the crew and arrange the necessary materials. As the first mechanic, I look carefully at the crew and how we divide up the work. With simple jobs I let a crew do it themselves, with more complicated jobs I help a lot myself."

What does your future at Bilfinger look like?

"Normally, as a scaffolder you would advance to (cooperating) foreman. I would like that, but I would actually also like to become an engineer; drawing scaffolding and making the accompanying calculations. Especially when I get a little older and it gets a little tougher physically to build scaffolding."

Why should potential new colleagues join Bilfinger?

"Everything is well organized at Bilfinger, you have a bright and stable future; if you do your best you will get plenty of chances and opportunities, and a lot of trust from the managers. In addition, it is nice to be active and outdoors all day. That has to suit you, of course. Oh yes, and the colleagues are fun!"


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