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Partner for comprehensive

Bilfinger Project Solution –
We make your projects more efficient

We support customers with solutions and our target markets are Energy, Pharma & Biopharma, Hydropower, Pure Water, Oil & Gas, Chemicals & Petrochemicals and Adjacent Industries. Bilfinger aims to be the No. 1 in efficiency and sustainability.

Bilfinger Project Solutions (BPS) covers the entire project lifecycle from Project Management services, Procurement, Manufacturing & Construction and later with our Maintenance Solutions. With our extensive project experience and the approaches we have developed from it, we are able to deliver efficient project execution to our customers. We have a strong focus on de-risking the solutions and with repetitive cooperation we also aim to further increase continuously improvement into our customer’s deliverables.

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Added Value

Advantages for our customers

  • Efficient project execution in terms of time, preformances and quality
  • Highest level of safety
  • Integrated processes and methods in all from engineering to project execution
  • Multidisciplinary expertise
  • Internal production

Leveraging on our long experience in engineering, design and build of several technical facilities in the gas and energy sectors, we are able today to support the energy transition challenges of our client acting as perfect system integrator of core processes like hydrogen production and CO2 capture. "

Massimo PardocchiPresident of Business Line Energy Transition

Clear goal setting with clients and team collaboration among our technical and commercial experts, and continuous improvement checks with client, suppliers and ourselves, enables us to navigate challenges and achieve project success."

Kathrin Schwind Project Manager Special components & plant projects

As a recognized player in the Nuclear industry responsible for the full project life cycle (project management services, engineering, manufacturing and construction) in ‘New Build's’ Nuclear, Bilfinger is committed to investing in the Nuclear sector and develop a reliable, efficient and cost effective supply chain."

Pharaoh Hirani Vice President Business Unit Hinkley Point C at Bilfinger

Bilfinger specializes in the design and construction of process lines for the areas Pharma & Biopharma, Nutrition and Pure Water. Our equipment helps to maintain and improve people's health and quality of life, while making the use of resources in production more efficient and sustainable."

Dr. Michael G. MartlPresident Business Line Life Science
Services and Markets

Services and Markets

Bilfinger can provide all services related to the different phases of a project from definition until realization. Different delivery models can be adopted depending on project type and customers´ requirements.

Our customers are in the markets of energy, life science, nuclear, chemical, petrochemical, oil and gas, cement, metallurgy and others process industries.

We believe in projects that prioritize safety, sustainability, and efficiency, resulting in secure and resource-effective accomplishments."

Tom KingGraduate Engineer

By engaging with our clients at the earliest opportunity, we can work collaboratively to ensure that the planning of any projects can be constructed safely, efficiently, and with commercial surety."

Mark ReidProject Director

Integrated Commercial Heat, Hydro and complex installations – lessons learned, continuous execution improvement and permanent training of our project and site management experts drives successful completion and client delight."

Christian StrondlVice President Business Unit Projects DACH

          Where our project solutions have made a difference

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Lutz Wannagat
Global Product Manager Projects
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