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District cooling, an environmentally friendly
alternative to air conditioners




Bilfinger is responsible for the pipeline construction for the district cooling network in Munich.


Bilfinger is supporting Stadtwerke München with the planning, installation and commissioning of their new district cooling centre. The complex plant equipment requires numerous pumps, fittings and heat exchangers. A total of 8 km of pipelines are being installed and welded by around 50 Bilfinger employees. When completed, this district cooling centre will be the largest in Germany, and up to 100 office buildings can be cooled when finished.

added value:
  • Bilfinger supports the client on the way to more climate- and resource-friendly energy
  • District cooling reduces electricity consumption by up to 70% compared to conventional air-conditioning systems
  • Bilfinger is an experienced partner and has expertise in geothermal energy
  • Bilfinger has a team on site and can adapt optimally to local conditions
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