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Cold test facility for TF winding packs and equipment to embed the winding packs inside their coil cases


Simic S.p.A




Design of a facility for cold testing of TF winding packs and embedding of Winding packs inside their coil cases; conduct of acceptance tests; embedding of winding packs; support of client with specific magnet builder expertise


Bilfinger developed, purchased and delivered:

  • a cryogenic test facility for performing quality assurance tests on the winding packages of the ITER toroidal field coils. The facility consists of a cryogenic supply, a cryostat with active heat shield (manufactured by the client, SIMIC), the vacuum system and the test equipment.
  • equipment for embedding the 100 ton winding packs inside their 200 ton stainless steel coil cases (Machine for the actual mechanical coupling between WP and TFCC manufactured by the client, SIMIC). The equipment consists of heating mats tailored to the shape of the coil cases incl. temperature control system and power supply; epoxy resin mixing station; evacuation and resin distribution-system.


Added value:

  • Preparation of complete mechanical and thermal design for the cryostat with thermal shield, which is tailored to the requirements of the customer.
  • Cryogenic design of the complete cryoplant
  • Development of the complete heating system for winding pack and coil case
  • Development of the complete epoxy resin mixing system incl. evacuation and resin distribution system
  • Specific expertise


Cryoplant (top left the liquid nitrogen tanks)

Heating mats assembled to coil case

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