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From Scotland to Bahrain – and fully committed to Team Bilfinger along the way

From Scotland to England to Germany and from there to the United Arab Emirates and now Bahrain - Alistair has spent time working in a number of countries over the course of his career at Bilfinger. Alistair has been with Bilfinger since 2011. He particularly appreciates the development opportunities and all of the fantastic people he has had the opportunity to work with. “Being able to cooperate with so many colleagues from all over the world has allowed me to gain valuable experience and to learn valuable new skills”, says Alistair. Before joining Bilfinger 11 years ago, he worked as an HSE consultant for a gas turbine company. During that time, however, he realized that he was actually more interested in project management and work scope delivery. This realization led him to start his career at Bilfinger a short time later as a Project Engineer in the Environmental and Specialized Cleaning departments at Bilfinger’s Aberdeen office. The position offered him the opportunity to work in the field of offshore oil and gas development and to gain practical experience in various operational areas - in the office, on the shop floor and at sea.

Since that time, his career at Bilfinger has been extremely colorful. Positions as Project Delivery Leader, Project Manager, Turnaround Manager, Platform Focal Point and Assistant to the CEO followed. Each of these roles was different and each presented him with a range of new challenges - something that really appealed to his competitive nature. “I am definitely a people person and especially enjoy the interaction with my colleagues in addition to the work. I am currently working as a Branch Manager in our Bahrain office”, Alistair enthusiastically tells us, adding, “My diverse responsibilities mainly include monitoring the financial performance of legal entity, supporting business development, human resources management and management reporting.”

His journey at Bilfinger included one very memorable presentation at the company's headquarters in Mannheim, as he proudly reports, “The best moment I can remember at Bilfinger was the last day I worked in Mannheim for the CEO at that time. On that day, he gave me the opportunity to present my work to the full Executive Board, and the feedback I received was positive. That gave me a lot of self-confidence.”

“Even after spending 11 years as part of Team Bilfinger, that level of confidence has stayed with me and my motivation is just as intense as it was when I first joined the company”, says Alistair. His journey is an example of how multifaceted a 10+ year career at Bilfinger can be.

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