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Bilfinger SE: Clarification of name and sector

The company would like to point out that since 2012 it operates under the name Bilfinger SE and no longer as Bilfinger Berger SE. Furthermore, since 2017 it has operated exclusively in the industrial services sector and no longer in the construction sector. The last civil engineering entities were sold in 2014, and the last building construction activities in 2016.

The aim of the Group's activities is to increase the efficiency and sustainability of customers in the process industry. Bilfinger’s portfolio covers the entire value chain from consulting, engineering, manufacturing, assembly, maintenance and plant expansion to turnarounds and digital applications. Bilfinger is primarily active in Europe, North America and the Middle East. Customers in the process industry come from sectors such as the energy, chemical & petrochemical, pharma & biopharma, and oil & gas industries. With its ~30,000 employees, Bilfinger upholds the highest standards of safety and quality.


Anette Weidlich
Chief Communications & Public Affairs Officer
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