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Life of Asset Repair



United Kingdom

Bilfinger UK's ISP Department were tasked to fix significant leaks that out client was experiencing through its pipedeck into key modules below threatening their operations.

To date, only temporary fixes had been enacted via laying large plates over thin wall or through wall defects, or hand fixing small plates via composite. This cost the customer £88,000 over the period. As part of a rig reactivation campaign, they needed to stop these leaks to allow drilling to go ahead without concern and ultimately stop these ongoing maintenance costs.


Our Fabric Maintenance Engineers offered an innovative ‘Life of Asset’ solution in partnership with a composite contractor, which involved specific onshore training of personnel. Working closely with the client's structural integrity leads, this was a engineered deck strengthen solution via bespoke plates designed and manufactured onshore post laser survey performed down bay 1 of the deck.

This solution created a 14mm composite ‘steel sandwich’ via injecting (at pre drilled holes) a high strength, high viscosity ceramic composite underneath the laid in plates achieving a 90% contact with the deck. This injection technique utilised standard coating equipment our FM Technicians are competent in. Further, it eliminated voids and pockets prone to corrosion which was experienced by the previous temporary and not fit for purpose fixes.

The repair took a team of 3 persons, 3 weeks within an enclosed habitats tackling 88 SQM of deck. The preparation was via dry abrasive blasting, a hold primer, sealing of any holes in the deck, then application of a supplied filler to remove any undulations prior to the dry laying of the plates. Post full install process, we applied a heavy duty anti-slip coating on top via hopper gun to the whole bay.

Added value:

  • Complete solution including survey, fabrication and equipment provided
  • Significant time and cost saving related to onshore engineering
  • Potential hot work solution with related controls
  • Life of asset repair versus ‘long term’ temporary repair
  • Plates are easily designed to fit any shape or size
  • Close out MCDRs which have been in the system for 8+ years
  • Estimated £100,000 saving based on welding and pressurised habitat solution
  • Utilised core PoB
  • Platform management have peace of mind of no further leaks into switch room and mud pits below
  • Full package including survey, fabrication and equipment provided as one
  • Innovation driving cost saving for customer
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