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Vanessa Barth

Member of the Supervisory Board since April 15, 2021
Head of Principles, IG Metall, Frankfurt am Main


Personal Data

Year of birth: 1969
Place of birth: Groß-Umstadt, Germany
Nationality: German


Graduate in sociology from Goethe University, Frankfurt


Professional Career

Political secretary, U-35 target group work
Political secretary, engineers and technical experts target group work
IG Metall representative for Philips Deutschland GmbH
Deputy Chair of the Supervisory Board of Philips Deutschland GmbH
since 2014
Head of functional area – Target Group Work and Gender Equality Head of department – Employees, IT and Engineering, Women’s and Equal Opportunities Policy, Young IG Metall, Migration and Participation, Platform Work/Crowdsourcing Project
since 2021
Member of the Supervisory Board of Bilfinger SE

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Status: January 01, 2024

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