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Explore the Bilfinger world as a trainee


Tessa-Sophie Christill and Moritz Dürr both work as trainees at Bilfinger. Tessa is working in Finance and Moritz is completing various rotations in the field of Engineering & Maintenance. In this People Story, they talk to us about their experiences as trainees and tell us what makes the trainee program at Bilfinger so special.

What does it mean to be a trainee at Bilfinger?

Moritz: “The trainee program at Bilfinger is designed for anyone who has just completed their Master’s degree and is now looking to launch their career at an international company. The program at Bilfinger lasts a total of 24 months. Over the course of the two years, you have an opportunity to work in various departments within your specialist area. Each of the rotations generally lasts three months – but we are free to plan the program and the individual rotations. This means you can work in a rotation that you are especially interested in for longer than three months or have the freedom to look into another specialist area.”

Why did you choose the trainee project at Bilfinger?

Tessa:  “After I completed my Master’s degree, I had the feeling that I had gained a huge amount of theoretical knowledge. But I noticed during my apprenticeship and internships that practical work experience is something completely different. It was really important for me to gain a comprehensive picture of the processes at work in a complex international and complex organization. The trainee program at Bilfinger gave me the opportunity to do just that.”

Moritz: “I felt the same way. There are still a number of advantages that were decisive for me when I started my career: The degree of variety that comes from working in different departments, getting to know a number of different colleagues and, of course, the opportunity to go abroad.”

What are some of the things you learned during your trainee program?

Moritz: “On the one hand, I gained a lot of specialist knowledge and was able to transfer the theoretical knowledge from university into practice. On the other hand, I have developed personally. As a trainee, you are regularly presented with the challenge of familiarizing yourself with new themes in a new department together with new colleagues. I think that creates enormous flexibility and a willingness to change – that’s extremely important!”

Tessa: “I agree with you wholeheartedly. In addition to my professional expertise, I also had a chance to develop personally. It is also worth mentioning that the trainee program is a great way to get to know the organization. Especially when it comes to large organizations, it is important to have a basic understanding of the company.”

What was your best moment as a trainee?

Moritz: “One of the biggest highlights of my time so far has been the rotation in our Turnarounds product line. Here I was able to experience and support an entire turnaround – from the decommissioning of a system, through to maintenance, testing and assembly and also including the recommissioning of the system. It was fascinating to see how such a large industrial plant is completely overhauled. It was a very exciting and intensive time during which I learned a lot.”

Tessa:“My highlight was the time I spent on the rotation abroad in Stavanger, Norway. Getting to know other countries and, above all, having an opportunity to become familiar with the working culture. There are significant differences between Scandinavian countries and Germany. Norway is also a beautiful country with so much to discover.

What tips do you have for future trainees?

Tessa:“Personally, I think it’s really important to be receptive to change and to embrace new things – that’s when you learn the most and can also build up a large network within the company in a short time. I would also recommend that each and every trainee ask as many questions as possible and be brave enough to question existing processes and procedures – that way, both sides benefit from a rotation program.”


Status: October 2023

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