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More efficiency and transparency through the digital client portal


BP and Delamine


Rotterdam, Delfzijl

The Netherlands
Oil & Gas

With the use of the digital customer portal (web application), Bilfinger provides the customers BP and Delamine with a clear overview of all scaffolding used.

Digital and InnovationISP

With the use of the digital customer portal (web application), Bilfinger provides the customers BP and Delamine with a clear overview of all scaffolding used. Each scaffold can be displayed with detailed information such as dimensions, type of scaffold, location, booking period and price.

Added value:
  • Real-time transparent information and time saving
  • Clear insight in available scaffolds to plan all activities accordingly
  • Digital processing of the order
  • Significantly improved management of scaffolding, resulting in lower rental costs
  • Better overview of established KPIs
  • Faster insight into financial agreements



Learn more about our Client Portal for Scaffolding

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