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Experienced professionals

We want to be more diverse

Our goal is to promote women in technical careers and strengthen their role in our industry and our company for the long term. More diversity in all areas of our company also makes us stronger as a company.

As a market leader in industrial services, Bilfinger offers you a wide range of cross-sector development and training opportunities. 

As a future employee, you can look forward to working with well-known clients, exciting national and international customer projects and an attractive career path.

Vacancies in Austria


Education at Bilfinger

Education and training are important to us, as is the ongoing development of our employees' skills. Whether you are a trainee or an experienced manager, our training programs are open to you!

We work with selected, established experts or outstanding training providers. For our managers, we have special global qualification programs. Managers then pass on the knowledge and new skills they have acquired to all their colleagues in numerous on-the-job training sessions. In this way, our team never stands still.

Continuing Education



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