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Integrated inspection services
by Bilfinger

Our Bilfinger Inspection Solution (BIS) combines various inspection and supporting services into an efficient, single-interface solution for our customers.

Merging diverse inspections and support seamlessly, our highly-skilled specialists cater to all inspection needs throughout a plant's lifecycle, spanning fabrication, through routine in-service inspection, to decommissioning.

Our multi-skilled teams, many are also trained in industrial rope access, enable us to deliver productivity savings of as much as 30%, in comparison to traditional approaches.

Rope access is a safe and efficient way to perform inspection on assets that are difficult to access.

For comprehensive industrial asset operation - encompassing safety, efficiency, and regulatory compliance throughout its lifecycle - our fully integrated inspection services will ensure your assets’ continued integrity while optimizing performance through consistent monitoring and inspection.


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Please extend my appreciation to the teams for their work effort and flexibility during the course of the week. Both teams helped successfully completed inspection tasks and corrective maintenance, all without any incidents."

Why Bilfinger?

Why inspection services from Bilfinger?

  • Fully integrated services along the entire inspection cycle lead to maximised productivity and cost efficiencies
  • Fit-for-purpose, effective risk-based inspection and maintenance strategies ensure asset integrity along the entire lifecycle of a plant
  • One single contact point
  • Expert network that finds the right solution for every challenge
  • Large pool of multi-disciplinary skilled workers with certificates for all relevant inspection activities
  • Best-in-class safety
  • Local access to Bilfinger’s world-class inspection expertise and technology

Bilfinger is an established provider of conventional, advanced and specialist non-destructive testing services.  We hold ISO/IEC 17020 and ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation in many countries. Please contact us for a full schedule of accredited services in specific countries.

All three guys were excellent in their behaviours and competence. Always a credit to Bilfinger. Please feedback our thanks for a good job carried out safely and professionally"

Inspection services at a glance

Our inspection services at a glance

Bilfinger employees completing Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) in challenging locations


With our flexible contract setup, our customers just select the services they need:

Operative inspection services | Maintenance, turnaround, modification and extension of plants
  • Initial assessment
    Risk Based Inspection (RBI), planning and scheduling, inspection database management, regional inspection legislation
  • Access solutions 
    Rope access, scaffolding, elevated platforms, drones/robotics
  • Testing and inspection
    Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and Advanced Non-Destructive Testing (ANDT), Corrosion Under Inspection (CUI), Corrosion Inspection Program (CIP), Inspection of corrosion under pipe supports (CUPS), lab testing, structural health monitoring, asset condition surveys
  • Integrity engineering
    Engineering assessment, inspection plans, pressure systems, corrosion management, data analysis and improvement
  • Material Technology
    Material selection, material optimization, corrosion tests, portable analysis of microstructure, positive material identification (PMI), x-ray fluorescence (XRF), spectral analysis, process optimization, corrosion under insulation (CUI), corrosion in process (CIP) and risk based inspection (RBI)
  • Failure Analysis
    Corrosive failure analysis and corrosion tests, mechanical and technical failure analysis (scanning electron microscope, FEM analysis and integral product analysis, mechanical-technological testing – tensile, charpy, hardness, microstructure)
  • Remedial
    Fabric maintenance, fabrication and modification, repairs composite and temporary, insulation
Non-operative inspection services | Engineering, fabrication and construction of a plant
  • Engineering 
    Front End Engineering Design (FEED), asset management, Corrosion Under Inspection (CUI) expertise
  • Vendor inspection
    Verification of documents and processes, inspection during manufacturing, supply chain management
  • Expediting
    Field and desk expediting, quality audits, progress reporting
  • Fabrication inspection
    Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and Advanced Non-Destructive Testing (ANDT), quality assurance and quality control, material handover supervision
Minimize fugitive emissions

With a variety of tools, we offer solutions to contain fugitive emissions, including reactive leak detection, proactive flange management programs, valve modifications, rotating equipment sealing and innovative tank solutions.



We are an established provider of Conventional, Advanced and Specialist Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)  services:


Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
  • Acoustic Emission Testing
  • Boroscope/fibroscope
  • Dye penetrant testing
  • Eddy current testing
  • Ferrite testing
  • Magnetic particle testing
  • Ultrasonic flaw detection and thickness measurement
  • Portable hardness testing
  • Positive material identification
  • Radiographic testing
  • Thermography
  • Ultrasonic testing
  • Visual inspection
Advanced Non-Destructive Testing (ANDT)
  • Computed radiography
  • CUI – Corrosion under Insulation
  • Digital radiography
  • Multi-skip ultrasonic
  • Phased array
  • Pulsed eddy current
  • Real time radiography
  • Structural health monitoring
  • Time of flight diffraction
  • Ultrasonic corrosion mapping
  • Ultrasonic flaw detection and thickness measurement
  • Verkade Inspection Method for pipe supports

We support you
- wherever you
need us

Our highly skilled teams work for you all over the world, onshore and offshore. It doesn t matter where your industrial plant is located - we offer our integrated inspection services exactly where they are needed. Bilfinger entities for inspections are located in UK, Denmark, the Netherlands, Austria, Germany and the United States.

Contact us
Theodor Osteresch
Business Development Inspection
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