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Early careers

Internship & Graduation Assignment
Are you at the start of your career and looking for a challenging internship or graduation assignment?

Thanks to our multidisciplinary teams and challenging projects, a lot is possible when it comes to internships or graduation assignments. We find it particularly important that you can work on topics and themes that are of interest to you. That is why you can coordinate your internship or graduation assignment with us yourself.


More about internships & garduation assignments


Working and Learning
Working and learning at the same time - the best of both worlds! For various disciplines at Bilfinger, you can follow a work-study program.

For various disciplines at Bilfinger, you can follow a work-study program. In this way, you learn the tricks of the trade while already doing paid work. For some disciplines you do not need a specific education, nor do you have to go into the books and follow a full (secondary vocational education) study. We work together with industry associations to teach you the trade in practice.


Read more about working and learning


Van Iterson Institute
Van Iterson Institute: The only practical education in the Belgium to become an industrial consultant.

You drive away from your client’s production site feeling satisfied. You have just given the site management a presentation on how best to set up their safety management system. “You were able to visualize the impact of the adjustments to the risk identification procedures on the availability of the plant very well,” you colleague indicates. “I’m glad they were able to take your advice on board.”


You learned the technical background during your studies. And the rest? You learned that at the Van Iterson Institute. The only official training for industrial consultants in Belgium.

Read more about the Van Iterson Institute


Contact us
Want to know more? Contact us!
Annemarie Rossingh
Corporate Recruiter
Other career opportunities at Bilfinger
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