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11/26/2020 | “Don't wait for Columbus' egg.”

“If we want to achieve the goals in the climate agreement, we need to move forward now with the resources that are available.” That is the opinion of…

11/26/2020 | Major steps in CO₂ reduction for Rotterdam’s industry thanks to hydrogen plant

Various leading companies in the Rotterdam port area are working with H-vision to make a concrete plan in order to substantially reduce regional CO2…

11/26/2020 | Jacques vandermeiren, CEO of the Port of Antwerp: “Thanks to the many front runners, Antwerp is well positioned to make the transition.”

A broad, open view of the world, cooperation across sectors, and innovation will ensure that the energy and raw materials transition goes hand in hand…

11/26/2020 | Hydrogen economy starts up in Groningen

In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, Groningen Seaports announced a surprising and optimistic message: industry in the northern Netherlands is ten…

11/26/2020 | From a rich past to a sustainable future: The North Sea as a sustainable source of energy

After centuries of struggle against the water, the Netherlands now sees the North Sea as an ally in the pursuit of a sustainable energy system. The…

02/10/2020 | Innovative cloud research
02/10/2020 | Refueling Points for LNG Trucks
02/10/2020 | Mastering the Energy Transition
02/10/2020 | Greenlighting new plants
02/10/2020 | Real solutions from the digital world: HoloSuite

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