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Safety in Sweden

We make HSEQ work

Let there be no doubt: In Bilfinger Nordic Region, occupational safety, health, environmental protection, and quality are given top priority. We carry grave responsibility for employees, customers, society, and the environment. No matter where we work, no matter what tasks we perform, HSEQ are our guiding stars. It‘s in our DNA.

Using competent managers and employees, as well as direct dialogue with our customers, we will always have a system which ensures that the HSE is an integral element in the planning and execution of our activities.

Continuous improvement and customer satisfaction are keys to our quality work. Complete and lasting customer satisfaction is all about quality at all levels. By good planning, as well as direct and open dialogue, we always ensure that our deliveries are consistent with customer demands and expectations.

Bilfinger Principles for HSEQ

Bilfinger Principles for HSEQ

HEALTH: We create working conditions which maintain and protect the health of our employees. We provide and use opportunities for passive and active preventive health care and for health maintenance.

SAFETY: We are convinced that it is possible to completely avoid accidents. Consistent compliance with safety regulations by all employees, responsibility for each individual for him or herself and for the community as well as the impact of role models are key components of our safety awareness and our safety culture.

ENVIRONMENT: We ensure that negative impact on the environment as a result of our business activities is reduced as much as possible. Acting in a sustainable and environmentally aware manner in all our activities and decisions serves as a basis for this approach and contributes to the achievement of constant improvements in environmental protection.

QUALITY: We are committed to the success of the services ordered. We provide our clients with products and services in a timely manner which comply with contractually agreed levels of quality and legal requirements as well as the value benchmarks of society. We are on hand to develop optimized solutions together with our clients.


Our zero vision

We aim towards zero incidents. To succeed, we ensure active training and involvement of all employees, and we keep an open dialogue.

promote continuous improvement. We facilitate a healthy work environment where everyone takes responsibility and feel satisfaction and security.

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