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IT & Digitalization

A Passion for IT & Digitalization

Bilfinger is more than just an industrial service provider. We combine the industrial competence of our employees with comprehensive digital expertise, elevating industrial systems to a whole new level. Our IT & digitalization area offers you an entire spectrum of exciting work opportunities, such as systems, digitalization of the process industry, and our in-house IT department, which supports Bilfinger's global business operations. You will work with an international team of passionate IT experts to help shape the digital revolution.

To IT/Digitalization Jobs

Your Benefits

Give your IT Career a Fresh Start!


Bilfinger combines top technology with long-term international experience. We are also pioneering digitalization within our industry. Whether you work as a consultant, programmer, software development or support employee, at our company, you will work in an inspiring, international environment where you will be able to directly see the results of your work. We always value your continued personal and professional development. We support you in your job and with supplementary services. Join our innovative global network, and become a member of the highly effective Bilfinger IT team!

Inhouse IT

Ambitious In-House IT from Bilfinger


In an internationally networked company like Bilfinger, a functional IT landscape is an important foundation for the success of our business. Our in-house IT department uses comprehensive, modern IT applications and services to support Bilfinger's business operations worldwide. We optimize hardware, software and our digital processes on an ongoing basis. Our projects are extremely diverse and opportunities for developing them within our in-house IT are limitless. Application areas include architecture and infrastructure, IT security, software development and programming to support. Topics like cloud applications, SAP, Office 365 or harmonizing financial and HR systems are combined and handled by this department. Your expertise can become a driving factor behind our internal digital transformation.

Digitization projects

Just One of Our Many Digitalization Projects

Bilfinger Connected Asset Performance (BCAP)
Our digital BCAP platform gets industrial systems ready for the digital age. BCAP is a modular digitalization solution that gives production companies in the process industry simple and secure access to data-based optimization services. The new and innovative feature of the program is that this cloud-based platform can be used to combine all data for a single industrial system from the areas of engineering, operations and maintenance. This data can be linked and analyzed to generate new and better information to control and operate industrial systems. Using artificial intelligence makes it possible to predict potential faults earlier and more reliably, minimizing downtimes and significantly increasing the effectiveness of the overall system within a period of six months.



with us!



We are looking for applicants in the following areas:

  • Digitalization
  • Programming
  • Data Scientist
  • Software developer
  • Consulting
  • Cloud
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Network specialist
  • IT infrastructure

Obsessed with Data Science

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