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Why Bilfinger Thai

The answer is quite simple.


  • We put our customers first.

  • We never compromise on Integrity & Safety.

  • We make sure that our subcontractors and suppliers operate in accordance with our own integrity and safety requirements.

  • We work hard to ensure complete customer’s satisfaction.

  • We ensure that the projects are completed on schedule.

  • We provide cost-effective construction solutions.

  • We place trust in our Clients and seek to earn their trust ourselves.

  • We are a solid, ambitious and straightforward partner.

  • We succeed on the basis of the quality of our services and products.

  • We stand for excellence and deliver quality to customers.

  • We provide experienced and skilled workforce for each project.

  • We are a loyal team player.

  • We identify and help to mitigate area of concerns for the project.

  • We manifest positive attitude.

  • We provide meaningful weekly and monthly progress reports.

  • We monthly audit project performance.

  • We keep close relationship with our clients at senior management level with regular site visits.

  • We ensure that all business dealings are conducted ethically and transparently.

  • We compete fairly.

  • We are just in addressing commercial and contractual issues.

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