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Quality Assurance (QA) & Quality Control (QC)

Bilfinger Thai has developed in implement an in-house QA/QC plan. This QA/QC plan is accepted by international EPC Contractors and clients in the gas & oil, process and heavy construction industries.

This QA/QC plan and the Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) are developed and adapted as per each project’s specific requirements.

Bilfinger Thai’s QA/QC program is used for

  • Organisation with departmental & individual responsibilities.
  • Reference to project construction standards.
  • Traceability for the construction materials used.
  • Inspection and Test Plan for the activities, with “hold” events for critical activities.
  • Inspection and testing of materials prior to installation.
  • MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for installation of hazardous materials.
  • Procedures to achieve project quality standard.
  • Procedures for document control, procurement, work procedures, HSEQ, calibration, internal audit & turn-over dossier.
  • Documentation and Commissioning Manuals.
  • Technical clarifications and material approvals.
  • Management of subcontractors, testing agencies and certification.
  • Management of Non-Conformance.


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