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Legal Notice

Bilfinger Engineering & Maintenance GmbH
Europaallee 1
46047 Oberhausen

Phone: +49 6102 45 2740
Fax: +49 6102 45 2760

Commercial Register No.: Amtsgericht Mannheim HRB 336670
VAT ID No.: DE 813047567

Management Board:
Volker Sembill
Jürgen Liedl

Bilfinger Engineering & Technologies GmbH
Europaallee 1
46047 Oberhausen

Phone: +49 208 4575-0
Fax: +49 208 4575-99

Commercial Register No.: HRB-Nr.: 23335, Duisburg
VAT ID No.: DE 138778320

Management Board:
Thorsten Hoppe (Vorsitzender)
Andreas Hilpert

Bilfinger Noell GmbH
Alfred Nobel Str. 20
97080 Würzburg

Phone: +49 931-903-0
Fax: +49 931-903-6000

Commercial Register No.: Registergericht Würzburg, HRB 7156
VAT ID No.: DE 211420259

Management Board:
Roland Pechtl

Bilfinger arnholdt GmbH
Europaallee 1
46047 Oberhausen

Phone: +49 209 60571-000
Fax: +49 209 60571-111

Commercial Register No.: Amtsgericht Duisburg HRB 33931
VAT ID No.: DE 814524779

Management Board:
Ingo Halfter
Volker Sembill

Bilfinger Life Science GmbH
A-5412 Puch/Salzburg
Urstein Nord 31

Phone: +43 662 8695-0

Registration No: FN 247011 b
Regional Court of Salzburg
VAT Reg No: ATU58133889

Professional Organization: Economic Chamber of Salzburg
Trade Authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Hallein

Management Board:
Dr. Michael Martl (Chief Executive Officer)
Oliver Baier
Christian Gebetsberger

Responsible for journalistic-editorial content:

René Mank (Head of Marketing)
Bilfinger Engineering & Maintenance GmbH
In den Leuna Werken, Gebäude 8642
06237 Leuna


All rights reserved, unless expressly stated otherwise. The source is to be given for quotations.

The contents merely provide a non-binding general survey of the Bilfinger group. No responsibility is accepted for the correctness and completeness of the given information nor for its representing the most recent state of affairs. This also applies to hyperlinks. Changes and additions are made without previous notice.

The stock exchange data is fed in by Quartal Flife AG, Würzburg. It does not constitute and is not to be construed as investment counseling and is not intended to be used as a basis for stock market transactions.

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