BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID: BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241204T220403Z UID:event300120256750d1d3217a49.15704157 DTSTART:20250130T110000Z DTEND:20250130T170000Z LOCATION:De Prodentfabriek, Oude Fabriekstraat 20, 3812 NR Amersfoort SUMMARY:Trends in Asset Management 2025 DESCRIPTION:The industry is facing major challenges in a volatile world with geopolitical conflicts\, inflation\, a shortage of skilled workers\, increasing laws and regulations and the need for greater sustainability. These trends increase the demand for more energy efficiency\, reduction of complexity\, modernization through digitalization and well-trained experts.&\;nbsp\;\nThe annual congress Trends in Asset Management 2025 will therefore focus on these two themes\;&\;nbsp\;Efficiency &\;amp\; Sustainability\nUnique collaboration\nThis edition of Trends in Asset Management 2025 is special because it is the first edition under the joint Bilfinger flag following the acquisition of Stork by Bilfinger. The program will detail the added value of this acquisition in the perspective of the theme of efficiency and sustainability. END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR