BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID: BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241204T223215Z UID:event091220246750d86f74f281.80333210 DTSTART:20241208T230000Z DTEND:20241210T225959Z LOCATION:LantarenVenster, Otto Reuchlinweg 996, 3072 MD Rotterdam SUMMARY:European Industry &\; Energy Summit 2024 DESCRIPTION:The European Industry &\;amp\; Energy Summit 2024\,&\;nbsp\;on 9th and 10th of december\, is dedicated to promoting innovation\, technology and actionable plans to drive the transition to a more sustainable and secure future. In doing so\, it approaches industrial transformation as systemic change. The focus is on two moderated theme lines on the main stage:&\;nbsp\;Connecting Clusters&\;nbsp\;and&\;nbsp\;Recarb Europe.\nMichiel van der Meer\, Consultant Water Management\, and Bram Hes\, Senior Asset Management Consultant\, from Bilfinger will discuss the fact that water in the Netherlands is becoming increasingly scarce and its quality is deteriorating. How do we address this systematically to be ready for the future? END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR