Reporting Dates
Previous years
- 11/02/2016 | Preliminary Report 2015
- 16/03/2016 | Annual press conference on FY 2015
- 11/05/2016 | Annual General Meeting 2016 - Congress Centrum Rosengarten, Mannheim
- 11/05/2016 |Interim Report Q1 2016 - Investors' and analysts' conference call
- 10/08/2016 | Interim Report Q2 2016 - Investors' and analysts' conference call
- 10/11/2016 | Interim Report Q3 2016 - Investors' and analysts' conference call
- 12/02/2015 | Preliminary Report 2014
- 18/03/2015 | Annual press conference on FY 2014
- 07/05/2015 | Annual General Meeting 2015 - Congress Centrum Rosengarten, Mannheim
- 07/05/2015 | Interim Report Q1 2015 - Investors' and analysts' conference call
- 12/08/2015 | Interim Report Q2 2015 - Investors' and analysts' conference call
- 15/10/2015 | Capital Markets Day - Mannheim
- 12/11/2015 | Interim Report Q3 2015 - Investors' and analysts' conference call
- 11/02/2014 | Preliminary Report 2013
- 20/03/2014 | Press conference on financial statements 2013
- 08/05/2014 | Annual General Meeting - Congress Centrum Rosengarten, Mannheim
- 07/05/2014 | Interim Report Q1 2014 - Investors' and analysts' conference call
- 11/08/2014 | Interim Report Q2 2014 - Investors' and analysts' conference call
- 12/11/2014 | Interim Report Q3 2014 - Investors' and analysts' conference call
- 11/02/2013 | Preliminary Report 2012
- 13/03/2013 | Press conference on financial statements 2012
- 18/04/2013 | Annual General Meeting - Congress Centrum Rosengarten, Mannheim
- 14/05/2013 | Interim Report Q1 2013 - Investors' and analysts' conference call
- 12/08/2013 | Interim Report Q2 2013- Investors' and analysts' conference call
- 12/11/2013 | Interim Report Q3 2013 - Investors' and analysts' conference call
- 29/11/2013 | Capital Markets Day
- 13/02/2012 | Preliminary figures for the year 2011 - Investors' and analysts' conference call
- 21/03/2012 | Press conference on financial statements 2011
- 10/05/2012 | Annual General Meeting - Congress Centrum Rosengarten, Mannheim
- 09/08/2012 | Interim Report Q2 2012 - Investors' and analysts' conference call
- 14/11/2012 | Interim Report Q3 2012 - Investors' and analysts' conference call
- 23/11/2012 | Capital Markets Day
- 14/02/2011 | Preliminary figures for the year 2010
- 30/03/2011 | Press conference on financial statements 2010
- 12/05/2011 | Interim Report Q1 2011 - Investors' and analysts' conference call
- 31/05/2011 | Annual General Meeting - Congress Centrum Rosengarten, Mannheim
- 11/08/2011 | Interim Report Q2 2011 - Investors' and analysts' conference call
- 14/11/2011 | Interim Report Q3 2011
- 15/11/2011 | Investors' and analysts' conference call
- 15/11/2011 | Capital Markets Day - Frankfurt
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